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How to cancel an order?
Updated over 2 months ago

If you want to cancel your order before the expert starts working, you can do it yourself.

  1. Open the order you wish to cancel.

  2. Click on Order Information.

  3. In the top-right corner, you’ll see the "Cancel Order" option. Click on it, and your order will be canceled, with the funds returned to your account balance.

    You can also cancel your order by yourself on your order page if:

  1. Less than 50% of the deadline has passed, and you haven't downloaded any files (drafts) from the expert.

  2. The initial deadline has passed, and no final file has been uploaded.

  3. The revision deadline has passed, and no revised final file has been uploaded.


  • If over 50% of the deadline has passed and you need to cancel the order, please contact the support team.

  • If you downloaded the draft file from your expert, you will need to place a cancellation request.

When you create a cancellation request, please explain the issue with your order in detail and how it doesn't meet your needs. Your expert will need to approve this request. Our website aims to resolve disputes in the best way for everyone. Feel free to contact us for help.

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